The Drafts Monthly Reading Series

The Drafts are the resident acting ensemble of Horse Trade Theater Group supporting the work of its artistic community. Committed to new play development, The Drafts monthly reading series has featured over 100 original scripts and inspired several full productions.
The Drafts reading series has featured notable emerging playwrights Pia Wilson (The Public’s EWG), Michael McGuire, Kelley Girod, Paul David Young, Megan Mostyn-Brown (LAByrinth), Terence Patrick Hughes, Augusto Federico Amador (The Public’s EWG), Ziella Bryars, and Micheline Auger. The Drafts also perform annually in The Drafts Fest, a showcase of their talents and the talents of selected playwrights and directors they have met throughout the year. Drafts have been cast members of Lines, Donnie and the Monsters, punkrock/lovesong, and Song for a Future Generation (The Management), all shows produced or presented by Horse Trade. The Drafts will present three new full length Lab Productions in the upcoming season.

Monday, March 25 at 7pm in the Red Room
A Room Full of Ramen by David Trevor Lawson
Carting by Lynn Veach Sadler
Directed by Nicole Gehring
Featuring Emma Healey, Victoria Wallace, Ben Kaufman, Jessica Ranville, Bethany Geraghty, and Justin Tatum.

Tuesday, April 30 at 6pm at UNDER St Marks
If My Heart Were Enough by Alexander Wilburn
1667 by Lydia Shoup
Directed by Ilaria Amadasi

Tuesday, May 28 at 6pm at UNDER St Marks
Mocha by Eleanor Burgess
Alice's Adventures in the New World by Sarah Sigal
Directed by Kat Yen

Monday, October 1
Henry Moore is Melting by Jenny Seidelman
Roadkill Man by Sarah Fenner King
Directed by Christopher Burris
Featuring Eddie Jackson, Brett Diggs, Drew Moerlein, Wei-Yi Lin, Emma Healey, Blaze Mancillas, Misha Calvert, Victoria Wallace, Bethany Geraghty, and Claire Duncan

Monday, November 26
The Second Life of Gideon Finn by Bryan D. Leys
The Thirteenth Commandment by Joshua H. Cohen
Directed by Rico Rosetti
Featuring Ben Kaufman, Blaze Mancillas, Lauren Morrison, Dana Berger, Emma Healey, Bethany Geraghty, Victoria Wallace, Justin DeWolf, Jessica Ranville, and Marchelle Thurman

Monday, December 3
Bedtime by Michael Wolfson
Dancing in Captivity by Phoebe Farber
Directed by Marybeth Smith
Featuring Bethany Geraghty, Ben Kaufman, Blaze Mancillas, Emma Healey, Justin Tatum, Victoria Wallace, Justin DeWolf, and Marchelle Thurman

Monday, January 28
The English Bride by Lucille Lichtblau
Act Normal by Suzanne Dottino
Directed by Christopher Diercksen
Featuring James Allerdyce, Justin Tatum, Victoria Wallace, Bethany Geraghty, Misha Calvert, Blaze Mancillas, Ben Kaufman, Marchelle Thurman, and Lauren Morrison

Monday, February 18
Pegged by Magdalena Burnham
Revenge of the Ring-Tailed Spider Monkeys by Scott Walker
Directed by Artem Yatsunov
Featuring Claire Duncan, Bethany Geraghty, Jessica Ranville, Emma Healey, Victoria Wallace, Ben Kaufman, and Blaze Mancillas