"With names like "Shotz", "Wasabassco Hellfire Club", and "Naked Girls Reading," one imagines a seedy lounge full of smarmy middle-aged men in smoking jackets and/or fraternity brothers. However, this is anything but the case for Horse Trade Theater Group's rotation of monthly and ongoing programming."
"If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere - so the song goes - but how can you even begin to "make it" as a playwright in New York when finding a platform for your work is often cost prohibitive, when renting a theater can cost you $4,000 or more per week?"
Heather Violanti
"If it’s fun, funky, artsy, absurd and original, chances are it’s probably from the folks at Horse Trade Theater Group"
Scott Stiffler

"...arguably the epicenter of the independent theater world in New York."
Leonard Jacobs
"For those wanting to mount a short run late at night for a small out-of-pocket expense, Horse Trade may be your best bet"
"Companies tend to establish a reputation around the Horse Trade theatres"

"A mecca for teriffic off off Broadway theater"
Martin Denton

"The crown jewel of Horse Trade Theater [The Kraine Theater] is one helluva lovely, semi-precious stone. Inexpensive, and worth far more than just a second look, this space has replaced downtown mainstays like P.S. 122 and La MaMa as the Lower East Side's most vibrant off-off-Broadway theater. A half-dozen resident companies call it home, including the brilliant Big Art Group, the cultish Pumpkin Pie and Kirk Wood Bromley's Inverse Theatre."

"In the East Village, one can catch shows at the Horse Trade trifecta:
the Kraine, the Red Room, and the St. Marks Theater."